Day 8: Sunday Fun day

Well today was our only free day to explore the town of San Vito. It was quaint and very vibrant with colour and culture. Many of the places we stopped at to rest had many empty glasses, remnants from the festival they locals had the night prior.

We stopped at this Pizza joint and ordered something that was familiar to us. To those who are reading this and find it weird to have a pizza joint in Costa Rica, the town of San Vito was founded by Italians in 1952.

Waltzing around the area for a few hours, taking in the scenery and being immersed with the culture. Our last stop was at a Crepe cafe. Deb, the mentor who was with us ordered this banana crepe which was divine, and I ordered a regular cup of joe. The coffee here is on a completely different level. It was at a reasonable price too, only $1.40. 

Getting back to the Garden, I started to fall ill again, and drifted in and out of a few naps. Hopefully the medicine does the trick and I'm refreshed tomorrow.


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