Day 6: Collection and Data Entry

Friday, December 13th.

Today was remarkable, yet not in my favor. First off is my sleep schedule from work has followed me here. This is the second day where I all have been up since 4:00 AM. The sunrises here are mesmerizing, but not as such when it comes to the fog rolling through the valley when breakfast arrives.

After breakfast, Rachel and I went to the forest along with Deb Anderson, Alwin, and Jacob through the Rio Java Trail and a good portion through the Water Trail.  As our paths diverged, Rachel and I collected roughly 5 more specimen of which neither of us had laid eyes upon. Although neither of us have seen any of the species, Rachel being the expert that she is was a le to deduce the family on which they belonged too. I however still am barely a novice.

We left the forest around 11:30 and had lunch at noon. It was great for sure, but I certainly do feel under the weather, so I was unable to consume the usual amount of which I have intake inhaling. After lunch, we went to the north side of the garden, towards the cabins. We did catch one last specimen. And I was not feeling well and became disgruntled.

As others left to reception to get ice cream, I went to the lab and collected my things and met them down there. Still upset, I hardly spoke and proceeded to Wilson house. An hour passes and Rachel came looking for me. I gave an attitude, which I do regret (even now.) I went back to the lab an hour later at 15:38. From there we spoke and cleared up what was troubling me. I apologized for my attitude. We then started working on our project with enough data and tomorrow we decided to name the wide variety of Flora that surrounds the station.


  1. Glad to hear you are having a great time! Looks like you are in beautiful country!! We had a high of -5 today, enjoy that warm weather while you can! P.S. Thanks for the FB posts too!! It's fun keeping up with all of you!


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